Monday, January 12, 2009

I don't hug my baby either

I was in the laundry room the other day when an older gentleman started talking to another man about me and Fay. It was almost as if I was in the conversation because the three of us were standing in a semi-circle. But I do not believe the older gentleman actually addressed me or looked at me once during the entire exchange.

I was carrying Fay in an Ergo carrier (like a Baby Bjorn) so that I could use both my hands for laundry doing.

Old Guy: I never did like those things (gesturing to me and Fay)
Me: Why?
Old Guy: I just don't like them (not really answering, just repeating)
Me: What don't you like about them
Old Guy: I think you should carry your baby in your arms.
Me: Have you ever used a stroller?
Old Guy: Man the strollers in my day were huge!
Me: Yeah, I can't use strollers on the subway, so I use this thing

I walked away quite impressed at how he was able to completely control the conversation. He didn't interact with me, which means he wasn't really insulting me or antagonizing me. And when I tried to retort by calling him out (he MUST have used a stroller sometime and not carried his kid in his arms!) he answered by describing the difference between strollers back then and now -- completely segueing away from my point! Brilliant.

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